Doing what you like
Just read in the papers (Bertia Harian kata bini aku)....
Interview with Malaysia's 28 (going on 29 I think) year old millionaire, Irfan Khairi. Damn he's so freakin humble. hehehehehe.
Got his article up on my wall for motivational purposes. Actually, sticking up articles, writing down goals and reading them everyday, incantations and all these stuff have been preached by motivational gurus since the dawn of time :P Cuma aku je yang dok dengar... dan tak buat.
Ampes as many would say.
Anywayz, another important lesson that I've leartn is that nothing comes rolling. So, in short, all these online ventures that promise huge returns in minimum time are CRAP! And yes, this includes the notorious (whatever notorious means) Studio Traffic. LOL!
Anywayz, back to Irfan, ... he's saying that people shud do what they like. Only then can you work from morning till the next morning without even feeling burdened. Hmmmm. Very true. There's this one European smart guy (whose already dead!)... saying something like...
"It's sad that many people are living off something they hate!"
Something like that la. It was a whole lot more beautiful when he said it. hehehehe
Saja nak tambah post.
Anywayz, anyone want to be a millionaire? Sound me oso, so that we can motivate each other :)
Interview with Malaysia's 28 (going on 29 I think) year old millionaire, Irfan Khairi. Damn he's so freakin humble. hehehehehe.
Got his article up on my wall for motivational purposes. Actually, sticking up articles, writing down goals and reading them everyday, incantations and all these stuff have been preached by motivational gurus since the dawn of time :P Cuma aku je yang dok dengar... dan tak buat.
Ampes as many would say.
Anywayz, another important lesson that I've leartn is that nothing comes rolling. So, in short, all these online ventures that promise huge returns in minimum time are CRAP! And yes, this includes the notorious (whatever notorious means) Studio Traffic. LOL!
Anywayz, back to Irfan, ... he's saying that people shud do what they like. Only then can you work from morning till the next morning without even feeling burdened. Hmmmm. Very true. There's this one European smart guy (whose already dead!)... saying something like...
"It's sad that many people are living off something they hate!"
Something like that la. It was a whole lot more beautiful when he said it. hehehehe
Saja nak tambah post.
Anywayz, anyone want to be a millionaire? Sound me oso, so that we can motivate each other :)
Aku kenal Irfan tu sblm dia kaye dulu. Dia pakai nickname Merah. Masa tu dia masih stadi lagi kat UK. Sbg adiah aku kawin, dia bg aku jadik moderator kat forum kelolaan dia (time tu dia tak kaye..tu je la dia mampu bg aku).
Penah pegi kenduri rumah dia masa dia kawin lps balik study, lps tu terus lost contact sbb dia officially close forum dia utk tumpu pada keja dia.
Ko nak carik keje freelance ke ape ke dlm MM, ko lepak2 la forum Kadang2 dia ada kat situ, bhg lubuk utk offer job2 MM. Kadang2 la tapi. ^_^
Anonymous, at Mon Nov 14, 08:08:00 AM
ish ko ni farid
hidup tanpa kerisauan
aku rasa kalau miskin lagi banyak risau dari happy
kalau kaya tapi rendah diri dan low profile... WIN WIN situation aku rasa :)
Tak risau (sebab tak tunjuk kaya)
Tak tensen (pasal ada duit)
insya-Allah ada chan lagik besor masuk sorga (pasal buleh buat amal jariah)
Anonymous, at Mon Nov 14, 09:34:00 AM
i want.. i want.. i want to be billionaire. :)
princessren, at Mon Nov 14, 10:47:00 AM
i wish i was making big bucks doing something i LIKE... really, really like... tp x semudah tu kan? dgn peer pressure la, parents la... x best nya...
Unknown, at Mon Nov 14, 01:58:00 PM
tul tu cik puan Riz :)
aku agree. peer pressure aku takde sangat
Parents nye expectations. hehehe. yang tu manjang ada la.
tapi takpa
God will show da wayyyy!!! :)
Anonymous, at Wed Nov 16, 01:44:00 PM
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