TMNET Broadband Sucks :(
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offered by TMNET themselves, are proving to be their UNdoing I'd say.
Here I am at home, in the middle of the nite (early morning to be precise), surfing the net. And I see that things are crawling a bit. So, I decide to do a speed test.
Went to, did the test, and came out poorly.
Upload was around 40 or 60 Kilo bits/sec, and dload was 290++ Kilo bits/sec
Darn, they promised 512K :P At least 90% would do. But hey, maybe I got it wrong because I tested it from a USA server.
Anyway, went to, clicked on the TMNET Speedometer, if that's what it's called...
Upload time - 230++ Kbits/sec
Download time - 290++ Kbits/sec
Hmmmm.... For RM66 per month (without the modem), I think that's really2 slow :(
And they call it broadband Internet. I agree that it's faster than a 128Kbit/sec ISDN connection... but Telekom Malaysia's monopoly has to end. Because they're not building sufficient infrastructure to support their wide customer base (it has to be wide, cuz not many people have a choice).
But hey, maybe I'm complaining too much. Maybe this is the best they can give. Even though annoying, I have to live with it. :P (NOT!)
I think they have to get out of this rutt of below-average service. I mean, YOU GUYS ARE A GIANT TELCO! ACT LIKE ONE!!!!
Hear that JARING is offering better deals now :) Hope they're gonna make things change. But... when I come to think of it,... even Jaring has to go thru lines set up by Telekom rite? Or am I wrong... :) I just hear these things from friends. They don't actually work at Telekom, but I truest them to Telekom! LOL!
Anywayz, let us all pray, for everyone's sake, that all the services would be up to par, and all Malaysians can surf the waves of the Internet with a fully waxed board, plus with raging wavesss!!! WHOAAAAAA!!! (Did I get that right? Anywayzzz...)
offered by TMNET themselves, are proving to be their UNdoing I'd say.
Here I am at home, in the middle of the nite (early morning to be precise), surfing the net. And I see that things are crawling a bit. So, I decide to do a speed test.
Went to, did the test, and came out poorly.
Upload was around 40 or 60 Kilo bits/sec, and dload was 290++ Kilo bits/sec
Darn, they promised 512K :P At least 90% would do. But hey, maybe I got it wrong because I tested it from a USA server.
Anyway, went to, clicked on the TMNET Speedometer, if that's what it's called...
Upload time - 230++ Kbits/sec
Download time - 290++ Kbits/sec
Hmmmm.... For RM66 per month (without the modem), I think that's really2 slow :(
And they call it broadband Internet. I agree that it's faster than a 128Kbit/sec ISDN connection... but Telekom Malaysia's monopoly has to end. Because they're not building sufficient infrastructure to support their wide customer base (it has to be wide, cuz not many people have a choice).
But hey, maybe I'm complaining too much. Maybe this is the best they can give. Even though annoying, I have to live with it. :P (NOT!)
I think they have to get out of this rutt of below-average service. I mean, YOU GUYS ARE A GIANT TELCO! ACT LIKE ONE!!!!
Hear that JARING is offering better deals now :) Hope they're gonna make things change. But... when I come to think of it,... even Jaring has to go thru lines set up by Telekom rite? Or am I wrong... :) I just hear these things from friends. They don't actually work at Telekom, but I truest them to Telekom! LOL!
Anywayz, let us all pray, for everyone's sake, that all the services would be up to par, and all Malaysians can surf the waves of the Internet with a fully waxed board, plus with raging wavesss!!! WHOAAAAAA!!! (Did I get that right? Anywayzzz...)
Iklan cakap 'you are more than just a number'
Ahmad Javanese, at Tue Nov 01, 12:27:00 PM
mcm bagero jerkan?? tapi at least ader internet.. bersyukur lah jugak.. tapi aku selalu jugak call 1300-88-9515 complaining abt their services.. hehe
princessren, at Tue Nov 01, 01:20:00 PM
wei hang biller nak online YM nih? nak chat ngan hang laa wei..nak tanya pasal netgear nih la wei.
princessren, at Tue Nov 01, 01:21:00 PM
jaring broadband tak pakai telipon line la weh...deorg pakai transceiver tak dependent on telekom
K Fitt, at Thu Nov 10, 12:27:00 PM
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