Maybank2U Support ... My story :)
I would like to share an experience that was rather... enlightening as well as initially frustrating.
It all happened on the 25th of November, around 7:31 pm. I was a bit feeverish, but I had to stay back at the office because of the I.S.O. thinggy, as well as other admin stuff. At the end of the day, the feever was getting worse, and my wife (who was with me at the time) advised me to call it a day. I agreed,... but had to do some online banking before we head back.
So, I paid some credit card bills, checked my balances and thought of buying prepaid for Celcom. But the prepaid minimum limit for Celcom is RM200... Ther're no more RM50 coupons. Yikes... Can't buy that, for I might risk having a near zero balance at the end of the month. So decided to call it quits... and drive back home.
Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had more balance than previous months (due to the government bonus). So I decided to transfer some extra cash to Lembaga Tabung Haji... Yeps, you can do that thru Maybank2U nowadays... the magic of online banking. But of course there's a charge... in all its RM1.50.. kot? Anyway, it makes life a WHOLE LOT easier!!! :)
....A bit drowsy from the paracetamol, I went thru the menus one by one...
Online Bill Payment
Registered Payments
... etc etc etc
After all that, I was under the impression that I was doing a TABUNG HAJI transaction.
The letters that I saw for the payee were T and A. So, I concluded it was Tabung Haji. Need to remember, I was feeverish and groggy at the time... so at least I have an excuse! LOL! :P
So, wihout looking... I confirmed the RM380 transfer.... Yeps... Up until CONFIRMATION!!!
Then I realized....
Tabung Haji? ... Isn't the payee name supposed to start with the letter L for Lembaga Tabung Haji?
It turned out to be that, I did a transaction to Takaful Nasional.... which by the way, was no longer active. I had changed to Takaful Ikhlas.
Argh!!! What to do. I called my agent... but he was Takaful Ikhlas. I called Khairul Fitri, but he couldn't do anything depsite being a Takaful National agent.
End result (which should have been my first).... I decided to call Maybank2U customer support line.
And it was then, after going through the menus, that I managed to get a Bahasa Melayu support staff. He sounded ok, but not the normal user-friendly voice you might wanna hear from telephone customer support.
I explained to him my scenario... and his reply was something like this...
With myself being feeverish, reluctantly I said OK and put down the phone. Thinking of calling Takaful Nasional in the morning. But I was still a bit dazed and light frustrated by his comments of telling me to slow down while doing the transaction.
When driving home, it occurred to me...
Darn! Nothing they could do? Could it be that my RM380 is doomed in the Takaful Account that I am no longer using? (I havent cancelled it though, becuz I lost some of the important coduments. Will cancel it later).
The drive home was quiet. Me and my wife, were puzzled by the support staff's answer.
In our heads... we thought... how could this be. Takkan la Maybank tak buleh buat apa apa kot?
After reaching home... I prepared myself for bed, as I knew that I had to rest to get the feever off... and to sweat myself to good health :)
SUDDENLY! I remembered that the next day was gonna be Saturday. All banks and private isntitutions are gonna be closed!
I decided to call Maybank2U support one more time. This time, I was gonna select the English support option. Cuz from my experience, all of them are very2 nice :) Plus, I sort of implemented Forst Gump's philosophy...
GOD willing, I got an Indian guy. I told him about my predicament. I did not tell him about the previous support staff, just went along and told him my problem.
SURPRISINGLY and THANKFULLY!!! He told me not to worry, and said that he was gonna lodge a report for me. He also waited almost 10 to 15 minutes for me to get the details of the transaction... (It took me that long becaue I had to power up my laptop + wait for my wireless network to connect properly).
And even though it seemed like infinity... the guy NEVER complained. I apologized a few times for the delays, but he kept his cool and continued filling in the details for his report. (Well, at least that's what I think he was doing cuz I heard the keyboardtapping)
Another thing also, he was also very assuring... saying that everything WILL be resolved, and that I need not to worry...
But indeed I was, becuz I kept recalling what the Malay language support guy told me.
After a few chits and chats :) I was reassured that Maybank will do the dirty work for me. The guy lodged the completed report... and told me it would take some time before my issue would be resolved...All I had to do was wait.
Now... this was a 180 degree turn from what the previous support staff mentioned. I mean... was he too damn lazy to even lift a finger to help me?
He told me that it was almost impossible to get my money back... but when in reality, I could!
This means that some people really2 suck at their job. They treat it as a runaway job for them by which they just sit down and take calls without solving them.
I wish I remembered the name of that guy so that I could sue the living daylights out of him.
Today, even thinking of it makes me wanna squeeze his brains out.
Anyway,,,, today I got my cheque for RM380, and it was a Takaful cheque. :)
I am happy. I am thankful for the support staff who took me step by step on how to solve my problem. I thank him for the report he submitted. My friend, your salary is well earned. And I wish you all the best! May life hold the BEST for you! And I am sure, you will be rewarded by GOD one way or another. What goes around, comes around. You're support made me get my money back. And I am indeed very very very thankful. FOUR THUMBS UPfor you my friend. (I am including all my thumbs here as you can imagine... LOL!)
Even though it's only RM380... that's still money well earned. 380 as a matter of fact is quite a hefty sum for me.
I am thankful firstly to ALLAH for giving the permission to slove this issue through the Maybank2U support.
Now for that other guy... you can continue to eat your non-berkat gaji. You are indeed a lazy mother toot-er. I don't know what went through your mind that night, but you almost made me lose trust in Maybank. Thankfully, the English support made things better.
I also wish that you wake up after smelling the shit oozing from your arse... for its a smell of eating un-berkat food from your haram money.
Ok... now that was harsh. hehehe. Sorry.
Anywayz... may U insaf and contohi the other support staff who did a MARVELOUS job.
The world is a better place with him around.
Ok... I know these two Maybank people might not even read this post. But... just to share a story... in a dramatic manner.
hueh hueh hueh :)
It all happened on the 25th of November, around 7:31 pm. I was a bit feeverish, but I had to stay back at the office because of the I.S.O. thinggy, as well as other admin stuff. At the end of the day, the feever was getting worse, and my wife (who was with me at the time) advised me to call it a day. I agreed,... but had to do some online banking before we head back.
So, I paid some credit card bills, checked my balances and thought of buying prepaid for Celcom. But the prepaid minimum limit for Celcom is RM200... Ther're no more RM50 coupons. Yikes... Can't buy that, for I might risk having a near zero balance at the end of the month. So decided to call it quits... and drive back home.
Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had more balance than previous months (due to the government bonus). So I decided to transfer some extra cash to Lembaga Tabung Haji... Yeps, you can do that thru Maybank2U nowadays... the magic of online banking. But of course there's a charge... in all its RM1.50.. kot? Anyway, it makes life a WHOLE LOT easier!!! :)
....A bit drowsy from the paracetamol, I went thru the menus one by one...
Online Bill Payment
Registered Payments
... etc etc etc
After all that, I was under the impression that I was doing a TABUNG HAJI transaction.
The letters that I saw for the payee were T and A. So, I concluded it was Tabung Haji. Need to remember, I was feeverish and groggy at the time... so at least I have an excuse! LOL! :P
So, wihout looking... I confirmed the RM380 transfer.... Yeps... Up until CONFIRMATION!!!
Then I realized....
Tabung Haji? ... Isn't the payee name supposed to start with the letter L for Lembaga Tabung Haji?
It turned out to be that, I did a transaction to Takaful Nasional.... which by the way, was no longer active. I had changed to Takaful Ikhlas.
Argh!!! What to do. I called my agent... but he was Takaful Ikhlas. I called Khairul Fitri, but he couldn't do anything depsite being a Takaful National agent.
End result (which should have been my first).... I decided to call Maybank2U customer support line.
And it was then, after going through the menus, that I managed to get a Bahasa Melayu support staff. He sounded ok, but not the normal user-friendly voice you might wanna hear from telephone customer support.
I explained to him my scenario... and his reply was something like this...
Alamak... Macam mana boleh macam tu Encik. Kalau dah CONFIRM, kami memang dah tak boleh nak buat apa. Encik kena deal dengan Takaful Nasional. Internet transaction ni, tak boleh nak reverse. Sebab Encik sendiri dah confirm. Lain kali slow-slow sikit buat tu...
With myself being feeverish, reluctantly I said OK and put down the phone. Thinking of calling Takaful Nasional in the morning. But I was still a bit dazed and light frustrated by his comments of telling me to slow down while doing the transaction.
When driving home, it occurred to me...
Darn! Nothing they could do? Could it be that my RM380 is doomed in the Takaful Account that I am no longer using? (I havent cancelled it though, becuz I lost some of the important coduments. Will cancel it later).
The drive home was quiet. Me and my wife, were puzzled by the support staff's answer.
In our heads... we thought... how could this be. Takkan la Maybank tak buleh buat apa apa kot?
After reaching home... I prepared myself for bed, as I knew that I had to rest to get the feever off... and to sweat myself to good health :)
SUDDENLY! I remembered that the next day was gonna be Saturday. All banks and private isntitutions are gonna be closed!
I decided to call Maybank2U support one more time. This time, I was gonna select the English support option. Cuz from my experience, all of them are very2 nice :) Plus, I sort of implemented Forst Gump's philosophy...
Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get.
Who knows? I might get someone who could help?
GOD willing, I got an Indian guy. I told him about my predicament. I did not tell him about the previous support staff, just went along and told him my problem.
SURPRISINGLY and THANKFULLY!!! He told me not to worry, and said that he was gonna lodge a report for me. He also waited almost 10 to 15 minutes for me to get the details of the transaction... (It took me that long becaue I had to power up my laptop + wait for my wireless network to connect properly).
And even though it seemed like infinity... the guy NEVER complained. I apologized a few times for the delays, but he kept his cool and continued filling in the details for his report. (Well, at least that's what I think he was doing cuz I heard the keyboardtapping)
Another thing also, he was also very assuring... saying that everything WILL be resolved, and that I need not to worry...
But indeed I was, becuz I kept recalling what the Malay language support guy told me.
After a few chits and chats :) I was reassured that Maybank will do the dirty work for me. The guy lodged the completed report... and told me it would take some time before my issue would be resolved...All I had to do was wait.
Now... this was a 180 degree turn from what the previous support staff mentioned. I mean... was he too damn lazy to even lift a finger to help me?
He told me that it was almost impossible to get my money back... but when in reality, I could!
This means that some people really2 suck at their job. They treat it as a runaway job for them by which they just sit down and take calls without solving them.
I wish I remembered the name of that guy so that I could sue the living daylights out of him.
Today, even thinking of it makes me wanna squeeze his brains out.
Anyway,,,, today I got my cheque for RM380, and it was a Takaful cheque. :)
I am happy. I am thankful for the support staff who took me step by step on how to solve my problem. I thank him for the report he submitted. My friend, your salary is well earned. And I wish you all the best! May life hold the BEST for you! And I am sure, you will be rewarded by GOD one way or another. What goes around, comes around. You're support made me get my money back. And I am indeed very very very thankful. FOUR THUMBS UPfor you my friend. (I am including all my thumbs here as you can imagine... LOL!)
Even though it's only RM380... that's still money well earned. 380 as a matter of fact is quite a hefty sum for me.
I am thankful firstly to ALLAH for giving the permission to slove this issue through the Maybank2U support.
Now for that other guy... you can continue to eat your non-berkat gaji. You are indeed a lazy mother toot-er. I don't know what went through your mind that night, but you almost made me lose trust in Maybank. Thankfully, the English support made things better.
I also wish that you wake up after smelling the shit oozing from your arse... for its a smell of eating un-berkat food from your haram money.
Ok... now that was harsh. hehehe. Sorry.
Anywayz... may U insaf and contohi the other support staff who did a MARVELOUS job.
The world is a better place with him around.
Ok... I know these two Maybank people might not even read this post. But... just to share a story... in a dramatic manner.
hueh hueh hueh :)
Wah, report jer insiden ni dkt maybank supaya org lain tak kena. Rasa aku help desk selalunyer ada record perbualan.
Anonymous, at Tue Dec 13, 08:10:00 PM
just to share, pembaca meter tnb tempat aku buat sial ini bulan, lepas baca meter, bill dia main sumbat dalam mailbox, semua orang dapat bill tah siapa siapa... soem mailboxes sumbat sampi 3 -4.. aku rasa tak pueh hati so monday lepas aku call tnb cawangan old klang road and complain siap kasi no plenggan aku (no account la) .. tgk tgk hari nie dalam mailbox aku ada dah bill aku yg betul, and nampak crisp jer.. macam baru printed out..
sometimes it pays to make a little noise I guess.
eddie, at Tue Dec 13, 11:51:00 PM
heheheh.. Jawaq.. Malay support Guy tu tengah stim korek telinga kot then dapat call dari hang.. tu yang potong stim tuhh
JohnLabu, at Wed Dec 14, 08:24:00 AM
Apasal edit ni?? Nak yang uncensored jugak! Hehehe...
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