All in a days life... Thanks for reading :)


17 May 2006

Coach me :)


I think I need to get my $$$'s worth. RM100 a month, and I only work up a sweat less than 10 days a month at the Equinox fitness centre.

But hey, I'm not alone in this enrol-and-let-it-be culture. even the millionaire lanlord Azizi Ali fell into the same trap. But at least he runs... which I cant say for myself due to my malas nature.

Anwyayz, I will meet up with Zack. Ask him about his program. And get him to coach me!
One thing I learnt from a great runner is to have a coach.
Someone to push U... someone you dont want to dissapoint
Someone you pay for results! :P


Now I go play snooker for a while.

If I stay in office, I'd waste valueble electricity by playing Hidden and Dangerous 2!!! Argh!!!

Ok :)

Assalamualaikum WBT


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