Going to Australia.......
Ello :)
I've been busy preparing to depart for Sydney, Australia to do my PhD in Video Retrieval... and things couldn't be more dandy :) Duuhhh....
It's been quite hectic cuz all of the last minute stuff I have to do. Passport, VISA, medical checkup, plane tickets, accommodation, temporary accommodation, allowances.... the list goes on and on dan on et on dan on lagi...
To make this entry short and sweet, let's just talk about the cost I've incurred (until now)... and these costs, according to University Putra Malaysia's administration... are NON-claimable and need to come out of my own pocket.... :P
1. 32-page International Passport - RM300
2. VISA application fee - RM1,182 (yeah... I know... AUD430 is the price now)
3. Translation of necessary documents (only my kid's birth cert + marriage cert) - RM130
4. Medical chekup - Going to do today, but I guess must be RM100++
ok. Total... at the moment... RM1,712.... Uekkk....
Ok. Let's say I take out the passport... it's still a whopping RM1,412...
Hmmmm.... Mahal jugak kerja jadik TUTOR ni... Nak sambung belajar, which is a requirement
for me to keep on working, is proving to be very dear... and all are unclaimable... hehehehe
tapi takpa la kot. At least I'm living in a country that's peaceful... got a beautiful wife and kid,
and oso... can eat all I want until I get overweight.... which in a way ain't good :)
But dat aint the food's fault.
ok. Lari topik
Anwyayz :)
Assalamaaualaikum WBT
I've been busy preparing to depart for Sydney, Australia to do my PhD in Video Retrieval... and things couldn't be more dandy :) Duuhhh....
It's been quite hectic cuz all of the last minute stuff I have to do. Passport, VISA, medical checkup, plane tickets, accommodation, temporary accommodation, allowances.... the list goes on and on dan on et on dan on lagi...
To make this entry short and sweet, let's just talk about the cost I've incurred (until now)... and these costs, according to University Putra Malaysia's administration... are NON-claimable and need to come out of my own pocket.... :P
1. 32-page International Passport - RM300
2. VISA application fee - RM1,182 (yeah... I know... AUD430 is the price now)
3. Translation of necessary documents (only my kid's birth cert + marriage cert) - RM130
4. Medical chekup - Going to do today, but I guess must be RM100++
ok. Total... at the moment... RM1,712.... Uekkk....
Ok. Let's say I take out the passport... it's still a whopping RM1,412...
Hmmmm.... Mahal jugak kerja jadik TUTOR ni... Nak sambung belajar, which is a requirement
for me to keep on working, is proving to be very dear... and all are unclaimable... hehehehe
tapi takpa la kot. At least I'm living in a country that's peaceful... got a beautiful wife and kid,
and oso... can eat all I want until I get overweight.... which in a way ain't good :)
But dat aint the food's fault.
ok. Lari topik
Anwyayz :)
Assalamaaualaikum WBT
jgn lupa renew lesen memandu.. aku hari tu dah sampai sini baru realized lesen dah mati.. sib baik ada brader nk balik msia .. tulun renew...
translation lesen, takyah buat kt msia.. buat kt sydney.. soh msd sign and stamped jer.. aku ada format translation lesen dlm word doc. kalau ko nak....
Ayu, at Fri Jul 14, 05:16:00 PM
jawa. apsal u buat phd kat ostolia? i mean apsal tak gi US? kan u dah buat master kat situ dulu.. u miss that place ye? hehe...
princessren, at Sun Jul 16, 02:47:00 PM
yeyey.. nanti bulehlah kitorang melawat ostolia plak bleh? hehe
serangkai, at Mon Jul 17, 02:01:00 PM
UPM is mughallazah also :)
Ahmad Javanese, at Sat Aug 05, 09:06:00 PM
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